Civil Investigation of Fraud

Civil Investigation of Fraud

Are you suspected of serious tax fraud?

HMRC is now offering a new Contractual Disclosure Facility (CDF) . This works in conjunction with Code of Practice 9 (COP9). It's purpose is to allow taxpayers suspected of having committed tax fraud to co-operate more easily with HMRC and avoid criminal prosecution.

HMRC inspectors with the Civil Investigation of Fraud Department are very experienced, ruthless in their tactics, and their sole job is to recover unpaid tax. They are hardened and intimidating investigators. A CIF investigation needs specialist defence. We guarantee our professional fees will be covered by the concessions that we during the investigation..

The Government have increased the budget for tax recovery by millions, enabling many, many more cases of suspected tax fraud to be opened. The focus is to recover as much unpaid tax as possible while remaining as cost effective as possible.

Be in no doubt, that if a tax fraud investigation has been opened, the HMRC has every intention of relieving of as much cash as they possibly can.

The Civil Investigation of Fraud department investigates tax fraud involving amounts up to £500,000. Amount above £500.00 are investigated by Special Investigations aka SI

Whether you have made an innocent mistake, or had a blatant disregard for the regulations, or simply thought that you would hide your cash under the bed, it is imperative that you call our tax fraud investigation expert and let him handle the investigation on your behalf.

Civil investigations are usually dealt with by Code of Practice 9, COP 9 procedures. HMRC only do this when they have clear evidence that tax fraud is happening and they can spend months gathering evidence and and information to support their case.

Our tax fraud investigation expert has dealt with tax fraud investigations for many years on a daily basis and knows precisely the what bully boy strategies HMRC uses and how to counter them. Having us represent you, will take the pressure, stress and worry off your shoulders and you will be able to sleep at night, knowing that we will fight for the best possible outcome.

Our advice to our clients - Never communicate directly with HMRC, either by phone, letter or email. What you say could incriminate you and help put another nail in your coffin. Contact us without delay and let us do the talking on your behalf.

Get in Touch

Don't bury your head in the sand and hope nothing will happen. Contact Ken Robinson today for professional representation. Ken will limit the damage any HMRC TAX & VAT investigation can do, taking away all the worry and stress, and giving you total peace of mind. Typically, we achieve reductions in tax and penalty liabilities of 75% which more than compensates for our fees.

Contact Us!

Tax Investigation Experts

0741 220 2569

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