Guernsey Disclosure Facility

Guernsey Disclosure Facility

The Guernsey Government has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with HMRC which provides for a voluntary disclosure facility to UK residents up to 30 September 2016. The facility can be used by taxpayers to disclose hidden assets to HMRC and pay any amount owed in return for some extraordinary benefits.

After 30th September 2016, the Inter Governmental Agreement (IGA) between Guernsey and
the UK will kick in and Guernsey Financial intermediaries will then automatically exchange information with the UK on financial accounts held in Guernsey by UK persons or by a non UK entity controlled by one or more UK persons.

This means that there is no place to hide and you are well advised to make a disclosure ASAP.

Benefits of the Guernsey Disclosure Facility

  • HMRC will only back as far as 1999
  • Without disclosure HMRC can go back up to 20 years
  • Fixed low penalties of up to 20% depending on circumstances
  • Without the disclosure agreement penalties can be up to 200%
  • Complete privacy – no naming and shaming

Individuals with hidden assets or undeclared earnings in Guernsey need to use the Guernsey Disclosure Facility WITHOUT DELAY before the hammer drops.

We will risk assess your situation, explain and quantify your tax liability and how they might be resolved. As well as looking to deal with any disclosure issues for the past it is also important to help ensure the tax position is as efficient as possible going forward.

We are worth our weight in gold

  • All contact with HMRC is through us
  • We negotiate HMRC technical challenges with ease
  • We can liaise with your solicitor and accountants
  • We will keep updated at every turn
  • We will fight your corner and make sure you pay only what is due
  • We will take away the stress and worry, allowing you to sleep at night

Without exception, when the taxman comes knocking, he wants to recover tax and VAT. In serious cases, he will pursue a criminal tax investigation with the aim of putting you in jail.

We save companies literally tens of thousands of pounds - a fraction of the fees that we charge. In many cases, we have saved individuals from criminal proceedings.

Take advantage of the Guernsey Disclosure Facility now before you miss it – you have until 30 September 2016 to take advantage.

Get in Touch

Don't bury your head in the sand and hope nothing will happen. Contact Ken Robinson today for professional representation. We can work with your solicitor or accountant and will limit the damage any HMRC TAX & VAT investigation can do, taking away all the worry and stress, and giving you total peace of mind. Typically, we achieve reductions in tax and penalty liabilities of 75% which more than compensates for our fees.

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