The government has massively increased budgets to HMRC enabling the tax man to launch fraud, evasion and avoidance investigations on a scale never before seen. Billions upon billions of pounds of unpaid revenue have so far been clawed back and the trend is set to continue for the foreseeable future.
All sectors of business and industry are at risk of an investigation. The tax man is not only going after the big corporate giants such as Google, Amazon and Starbucks, everyone is being targeted, even people who sell through car boot sales and Ebay.
You have received a letter form HMRC. It may sound almost friendly in tone, asking for an explanation of an irregularity on your personal tax return, PAYE, CIS documents or VAT quartile returns. It may ask you if you would like to make a voluntary disclosure of offshore accounts or give details a second income. Do not be fooled. The tax man no longer opens random investigations. HMRC know that you have underpaid declared your tax and VAT liabilities and they are coming to get it.
Don't let the the investigation spin out of control. Saying or doing the wrong think could result in a far reaching investigation into your personal and corporate finances causes untold damage to you business, your personal life and your relationships. The worry and stress could cause serious health problems. The investigation could even lead to criminal tax prosecution and a spell in prison.
Pick up the phone and call us ASAP. The sooner we are involved in the proceedings, the more money we can save you. Typically, we can save clients up to 75% on assessed tax and penalty liabilities.
Pick up the phone and call us ASAP. The sooner we are involved in the proceedings, the more money we can save you. Typically, we can save clients up to 75% on assessed tax and penalty liabilities. The amount of cash we save you more than justifies our very affordable fees.
We can work alongside your lawyers and accountants who frequently do not have the specialist technical expertise and knowledge to handle incisive HMRC enquiries.
Our tax advisor was a senior HMRC tax inspector. Now, as game keeper turned poacher, his help and advice is invaluable to clients who have overstepped the mark and need to navigate through the murky waters of a highly intrusive and stressful tax fraud investigation.
We invite Hornsey N8 clients along for an initial meeting with our expert tax investigation expert at the Ibis Hotel, adjacent to Kings Cross Station in London. This is a confidential meeting were clients can open and honestly discuss their concerns. We will then assess how we can best assist to help you out of your predicament. - ©