Have HMRC opened a Code of Practice 14 Tax Investigation into your Company Tax Return?
It is easy to make mistakes when filling out a company tax return. It's very tempting to bed the rules and 'forget' to mention something, especially when times are lean. Irregularities in company tax returns can lead to HMRC launching a Code of Practice 14 tax investigation. They will notify you of their intention to look at your entire return, or if their some aspect of your return that needs explaining. Note that less than 3% of HMRC Tax Enquiries are random. If the tax man is asking questions it is because he suspects that not enough tax has been paid - in other words, he thinks that you are fiddling.
Corporation Tax enquiries have a habit of spinning out of control and the investigation can spread to include damaging and in-depth tax investigations into proprietors or directors. HMRC will do its best to recover additional Tax, NIC, VAT, PAYE, and S445 tax (on overdrawn director’s loan accounts) and income tax and NIC from the proprietors: plus interest and penalties.
A business tax inspection can be very worrying and costly. It also tends to take a toll on your personal life, health and relationships. or complete peace of mind , contact our expert tax investigation specialist IMMEDIATELY for some friendly advice and to find out what we can do for you.
Company Tax Investigations - How we can help
Get in touch immediately to discuss the your concerns.
Without exception, when the taxman comes knocking, he wants to recover tax and VAT. In serious cases, we have saved companies literally tens of thousands of pounds - a fraction of the fees that we charge.
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